Coastal Vacations, Wealth Masters International, Ameriplan, The Berry Tree, Passport To Wealth, Step1 System etc, SEO

Released on = July 2, 2007, 11:21 am

Press Release Author = Randall Neale

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = Coastal Vacations and Wealth Masters International members
can learn FREE Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from leaders in free internet

Press Release Body = Whenever people see the word FREE, it gets their attention very
fast. However, FREE comes with the doubt-factor. They doubt if using or receiving
something for free, it probably won't work. We have heard the term; "you get what
you pay for."

That is definitely not true in free internet marketing, if you know who to use and
how to use their services.

Members of Coastal Vacations, Wealth Masters International, Ameriplan, The Berry
Tree, Passport To Wealth, Step1 System
etc., can purchase the e-book, Internet
Envy at for a small price of $34.99 USD and gain years of free
internet marketing tips, strategies and ideas that have been proven to work 100% of
the time.

It doesn't matter if you belong to Wealth Masters International, Coastal Vacations,
Ameriplan, The Berry Tree, Passport To Wealth, Step1 System or if you just have a
website that you want to promote, the information contained in Internet Envy will
teach you how to market on the internet using free resources.

"My wife, Courtney, and I have spent years and countless hours of our time going
through trial-and-error attempts learning the free resources to use or not to use,
for marketing on the internet. We have been marketing our Global Resorts Network
business for a few months using our techniques and information and we are in the
number 2 slot on Yahoo, first page of Google and MSN, and we dominate several other
search engine sites for FREE. You can click on our site, all
day long and it won't cost us a dime." Randy Neale states.

"If you are trying to market your Coastal Vacations, Wealth Masters
International, Ameriplan, The Berry Tree, Passport To Wealth, Step1 System
opportunity, you have a decision to make; do you spend your time and money trying to
market your website with a chance of being successful, or do you purchase our e-book
for $34.99 USD, and let our time help you to be successful quickly and efficiently?
I wish this e-book was available to us a long time ago, but instead we developed it
and it works. We have had a ton of positive feedback from people that have already
purchase our e-book at I'm proud knowing that our information
can and will help people utilize the internet to market their opportunity."
Courtney states.

For more information on marketing your Coastal Vacations, Wealth Masters
International, Ameriplan, The Berry Tree, Passport To Wealth, Step1 System
opportunity, please visit today.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Contact: Randy and Courtney Neale

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